Sole massage (reflexology) is one of the most ancient treatment ways. It has a history of several thousand years and it is essentially the restoration of the balance of the body and mind. The massage stimulates the blood and lymph flow, strengthens the immune system, regulates the production of hormones, relaxes and also has pain killing features moreover delays the ageing of the body. It is the systematic and targeted stimulation of the life forces preserving our health through finger pressure on the reflex surfaces by predetermined pressure strength and length.

The self-healing and regenerative effects of sole massage is achieved through the nervous and the circulatory system, and the biochemical and bioenergetics systems of the body. These are absolutely natural parts of our body. We do not put any outside material in the body. Through reflexology we achieve that the human body by utilising its self-healing capabilities restores WELL-being. Therefore it can be said that sole reflexology is a natural, mild, so called alternative healing method. Besides all the above it is very pleasant and personalised both from the point of the force used and the massage technics.

What for is reflexology useful?

Reflexology as a self-healing method is particularly effective in case of functional issues of internal organs

Please do not eat one hour prior to the reflexology treatment and inform your therapist about any existing health problem.

Ági Lajtai