Swedish massage, i.e. refresher, relaxation, sport and healing massage

It is true that although the technique also called ”classic massage” was developed only in the 19th century by Per Henrik a Swedish physiotherapist and J. Georg Mezger a Dutch doctor, it is undisputable that its roots date back to the Greco-Roman culture. Massage is a process done on the surface of the skin. Treatment consists a series of memorized, systematic, orderly and controlled manual grips. Its purpose is to positively influence the status of the tissue under the skin – particularly the muscles – locally and through the distance effect the whole body as well.

It is recommended in case of rheumatic problems, neurological disturbances, issues caused by operation or injuries of the locomotor parts, if heart problems, high blood pressure, bronchitis, breathing and psychosomatic problems exist, in case of posture errors, muscle stiffness around the spine, development disorders with smaller children and against acute (like headache) and chronic pains.

Anna Horváth, David Klinkó