Dóra Laky

I am a certified free movement exercise trainer and masseur, a ritual belly dancer trainer and a student of the LEMangURIA Movement Art and Dance Meditation Group. I am in love with tales. Those tales which speak about human stories, which open up truth through their wisdom, which touches you and transform you through their playfulness. I have to thank a lot to the tales and the story-tellers helping me to realize that the most beautiful tale is written by ourselves.

In the story of my life the movements and the touches have a specially important role. They opened me the gates of continents and hearts, and thanks to them I was able to discover lots of me and the world. They guided me to my real masters and helped me to find a home in my body.

The participants can join during my courses this exciting dreamland, so that by discovering their own strength and getting new energies they can start to write their own tale. For I trust that we can happily exist in the world only in harmony with ourselves.